Recent news​
July 31 2013
Lots of new fonts added! Check the font page.
But there is a bad thing herre though, I've been temporarily banned from posting comments on fontstruct. I posted one too many commments :(
I want my comments back!!! D:
July 26 2013
I was sad I had to leave Hawaii, but now that i'm back on California I have a better internet connection and will be able to post more on this blog! So keep checking for updates.
I have a bunch of new fonts on dafont! Check them out here.
Just got the 100th visit on this blog! Thanks everyone who visited! Stay tuned.
July 14 2013
Greetings from Hawaii! Aloha, be looking for some designs straight from the Big Island of Hawaii! I'm having a great time but the internet connection is pretty bad so I wasn't able to write on this blog for a while. Sorry 'bout that.
I have a new dingbat font. Geomedings
And...I also made an image for myself.
July 1 2013
Today my mom had a boring party with her MILLIONS of friends. I had to sit and chat with a bunch of random ladies, but at least I could give them all my business card. Potential new customers for WDS! :)
Well, not really much else of interest happened today, so i'm out to find something of interest to do.
June 30 2013
My family is going to HawaiI on the 4th of July :D
I'm still waiting for Carter to come, he'll be there soon.
June 29 2013
My camp is over now, most everyone there hated me (including that girl Breck who used to have a crush on me) and thought I was a psycho for the whole last day of camp because I did something slightly weird. Another reason I hated the last day of Mission to Mars camp is that I was in FREAKING LAST PLACE for the robot competition! And everyone else got to try their robots again but I COULDNT BECAUSE THERE WASN'T ENOUGH FREAKING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S NOT FAIR!!! AAARGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay...My rage is over :P (I actually do have anger management problems, so don't piss me off LOL) But one good thing is that my second best friend Carter (a.k.a Crater) is coming over to my house tomorrow! Should be alot more fun than my stupid camp!
Oh... and one more thing! I'm releasing a new TYPE FAMILY!
​*drumroll* The Metrik Superfamily! Here's a sneak preview! Look to your right >>>
June 27 2013
I'm in a summer camp called Mission To Mars. It's pretty fun so far and there is 3 parts to the camp. The first part is building a rover to rove around the Martian terrain and collect samples and stuff. The second part is building a lander that will land the rover safely on mars. The third part is building a rocket to get there. It's real fun, but building my rocket was really hard, and these two retarded girls kept making fun of my designs. But do THEY design as cool fonts as I do? NO! So why should I care what these two retards think :P The rover part is pretty easy except when we have to program our robots. I had to totally redesign mine becuase it kept falling apart every time it hit something. There's also this random girl named Breck how obviosly has a HUGE crush on me.
June 23 2013
Today was an okay day. I played with my calligraphy set (and made quite a bit of a mess) and made some AWESOME letters. Then I logged onto the computer to design some fonts, and then I ate breakfast. After that, my mom rather RUDELY forced me to do some very boring chores right when I had a lot of stuff going on. But my friend Matt came over and helped me do them, he's a true friend :) Then I went over to Matt's house to hang out, and ended up going to Target with him and his mom. I bought 2 bags of my favorite candy, KitKat Minis. I ate one in the car on the way back, and I'm saving the other one for after dinner. But then, my mom ALSO forced me to feed the cat (!) which I HATE doing >:( But don't worry, no need to call Child Abuse, my mom is nice to me most of the time, but she can get mean sometimes.
June 22 2013
Second day of my blog :) Me and my friend Matt had an awesome sleepover today, and you know what's wierd? My mom bought me a calligraphy set because it was cheap at the store, and Matt got me a different calligraphy set for my birthday. So now I have 2 :D More fonts to design and stuff. I need to work on my calligraphy, so i'm out.
June 21 2013
Hello people and welcome to my blog :)
I am a bit of a weird person so don't be surprised if my posts are a bit weird.
I like fonts and stuff. It was my birthday recently on June 17, and I got a lot of cool design books. I also got a stamp set that has little Gill Sans letters that you can stamp. And then there's the best present, DRAFTING TOOLS!!! This will really help me on my on-paper designs. Oh, I forgot to tell you that I'm learning Chinese, which is sometimes boring and sometimes fun. I'm also learning Taiko Drumming which is very boring but once in a while kinda fun. My favorite website is where I make lots of fonts! VISIT THAT WEBSITE! I also design logos and stuff,
and I have an old Remington typewriter from 1931 that I can use to type up stuff on paper, because my handwriting is really messy and my mom and my teachers always yell at me because they can't read it. I also have organizational issues, so my desk at school looks like a garbage dump.
And sorry for not using paragraphs, but I just don't understand the point of them, so I'm not going to use them in this blog. Sorry Mom, but NO! Bye